Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

Dad took off a few days for spring break so we could go do something together! On Tuesday afternoon we went to Utah. We first stopped at the Gateway mall. We went to the I Max and watched the Hubble movie. That was a lot of fun. We went to dinner then hung out at Tracie and Logan's. On Wednesday we went to look at cellular phone plans. The girls were both wanting to get a different phone and get me on a plan so they could join my plan. Well I was the only one who got a phone and a plan. The girls are going to wait for Cricket to get the droid phone on their plan sometime in June. So I got the phone and they didn't weird! I really have been wanting one thought. We went to NPS next. We found a few good deals but nothing spectacular. Dad could have stayed there the whole day looking at stuff. Boring! The girls were and I were really hungry by now so we went our separate ways. Dad and Logan went to a Mexican place to eat and the girls and I had Kentucky fried chicken. I dropped the girls off at the gateway mall at about 3:pm and then I headed back to Logan's. Rested a bit then Tracie and I went to Hobby Lobby. I found a bunch of ribbon and scrap book stuff half off so you know me, I got some stuff. Tracie made some pasta dishes for dinner, they were really good. Tracie you are a good cook. It was late when we ate almost 9 pm. so we sat around talking then tried to watch a movie but only made it through part way and we decided to go to bed. We came home Thursday morning, Lindsay had to work in the afternoon. It was a fun Spring break.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alexis meets her half sister this past week!

Alexis told our family a couple of weeks ago that she found out she has a half sister, by her biological father. She lives in Wyoming. She came to meet Alexis for the first time on Wednesday! We met her. She is a very nice girl. she is 21 and has a little girl and her husband was at home taking care of her while on his spring break from school. Her name is Vayann. What we got to know of her in the short time we were visiting was that she is pretty mellow and easy to talk to. I am glad Alexis was able to meet her.

Root Canal agian!

Okay! I have been having trouble with my top next to the last molar. I go to the dentist, he says "You have an infection going on. Hum! that must be why my tooth aches. He sent me to an endodontist, ( fancy name for a root canal specialist) Luckily they have an opening that very day! I am told that I have already had a root canal done on that tooth but the dentist that did the job didn't do the whole job. To make a long story short, He fixed my problem (I hope) and sent me on my way with a prescription for antibiotics. If the infection does not go away, I may need further treatments. I hope that I will be good to go. I have a hard time remembering to take meds 4 times a day!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Microwave troubles

When I came home from Utah, I looked at the microwave and noticed a huge note saying does not work. John put a cup of water into the microwave and pushed 4 minutes, Just to prove the note was true. Sure enough the water was still cold. Today we are on the search for a new one, this is one appliance I really don't want to live without. Also as a joke Greg posted a note on the fridge OUT OF ORDER! In reality we need a new fridge too, everything is breaking on it! That purchase will have to come later.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Truman is here.

I just returned home from David and Liz's. I got to spend time with my grandchildren while helping Liz out after having baby Truman. David had to go back to work and school and I was itching to come help. Having children old enough to take care of things at home made it possible.
Little Morgan kept me quite busy playing with her little stuffed animals. Graham and Carmen had to go to school. When I picked them up we did some stuff together. The time went all too fast. I will just have to make plans to visit again and bring grandpa with me next time. He missed out.